Friday, August 28, 2015

Whats Next Lord?

Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.  Genesis 12:1

What is your country, who are your kindred and where is your fathers house? 

Hebrews 11:8
By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 

When I was born, you could say I was born into the Baptist Church.  I am not exactly sure if it was a Bible Baptist Church here in town or First Baptist Church.  I then grew up at Calvary Baptist where I have a history of spiritual leaders to show me the way.  As a teenager, I bounced back and forth between Calvary, and First Baptist with some Bethel Baptist, and Grace Methodist thrown in.  There was a period "in the wilderness" from there but when I returned, I returned to First Baptist.  Then came my tenure at Bethel.  From there we moved to the mountain and the Baptist Church there.  Again, there were bits and pieces of the local Methodist church, the Baptist church from the next community over, the Church of Christ thrown in. 

When we moved off the mountain we were disenrolled from the Baptist church for "attending a church of different faith"  (The Methodist church by the way)  We were also attending an Assembly of God church with my niece from time to time but somehow that one wasn't a problem.  But, I digress. 

Back off the mountain we attended the Methodist church with in walking distance from our house, and the Assembly of God church to support my niece.  From there, due to some funny circumstances we began attending the Nazarene church near our house. 

(By the way, as I type this out I think I begin to understand why especially my youngest two feel constrained by denominational dogma.) 

For a while now, I have known that there are some major changes coming in the church we are currently attending. What is my part in these changes?  All of my children are moving in different directions, which is what children should do, but that brings me back to what is MY part in the next phase of God's Plan? All I seem to be able to do at the moment is to look toward Christ and say What is next in my journey?  What are my orders now? 


Sunday, July 12, 2015

New Start the 14 Project

Where can I apply 14.  14 inches of space cleared a day?  14 feet at work maybe?  14 minutes a day looking at what God is moving me toward or away from. 

Big thoughts from Bible Study.  Look at the creation story.  There were two parts to the week of creation. 

Days 1 through 3 God created habitats and environments. 
                       Day 1                                                                     Day 2
                   Day and Night                                       Heavens and Oceans

                      Day 3
                 Land and Vegetation      

Days 4-6 God created what went in each of the envrionments, those things that were to exist with in that environment to fill it and have dominion over it.
                  Day 4                                                                          Day 5
            Sun and Moon                                                           Birds and Fish

                 Day 6-A
         Land Animals 

Day 6-B God Created Man and Woman in his image   and then on Day 7 he stood in the gap between two 6 day stints and showed us how to remember who was really in control.  The study where I learned this mentioned that what Adam and Eve were really rebelling against was the idea that we are not in total control of our lives and our environment. 

So the 14 day project is based on the idea that one day is 14 percent of your week.  so what can you spend 14 of something.. 14 mintues a day looking back at what God has done in the past day?  Clearing 14 inches/feet of clutter from your house? 

I am currently praying about my 14 and to guard my heart to do what God wants me to do within in this structure and to NOT over do and schedule 14 minutes of my entire day